Psycho fox hardcore gaming 101
Psycho fox hardcore gaming 101

psycho fox hardcore gaming 101

The graphics are similar, but a lot of detail was lost in the transition, and the SMS version ends up looking kind of bad.

psycho fox hardcore gaming 101 psycho fox hardcore gaming 101

In both the MSX2 and Master System versions, the status bar takes up the lower third of the screen, making the action feel a bit cramped. This cool little touch is completely missing from both of the Sega versions. Furthermore, the MSX2 version begins with a ladder leading up into the sky, where you can see a view of the whole land. This makes for even shorter stages, since levels that used to take over ten minutes to explore have been reduced to a few linear screens. The Game Gear version is even shorter, with only four stages, although it ends up combining elements of the stages into single levels. The Master System version hacks out one level entirely (the Forest stage, which is stage four in the MSX2 version) and reduces most of the stages to a handful of screens. Both of the Sega ports have drastically cut down stages with different layouts, which makes it feel like a more generic side scroller. The MSX2 version feature eight fairly large stages, most with a number of branching paths. Unfortunately, the most notable aspect of the original MSX2 game was completely removed from the Master System and Game Gears – the huge levels. The psychic powers are cool, but ultimately doesn’t make it stand out much from the crowd.

Psycho fox hardcore gaming 101